An entirely unorganised agglomeration of interesting, or at least to me, links and things to explore online that aren't just slop that's shovelled down your gullet by "the algorithms".
Rotted link? Unfortunately a you problem until I notice.
Last Updated: 12/02/25
- Daily updates during the week from a Robyn Anderson, who's been fostering over 500 cats since 2005!
- In September of 2023 the greatest scientific discovery, threatening to completely overturn the foundations of evolutionary biology and the known geological history of Earth, was made but mysteriously no one is talking about it.
- [citation needed]
- My year 6 teacher showed us this site about the scale of objects throughout the universe and 11 year old me thought it was the coolest thing ever just because it had the size of a Minecraft world in it.
- Many NeoCities users would consider themselves fans of the "old web", trying to emulate the heyday of 90's-00's personal sites thanks to hosting services like GeoCities. But if you want to make a 90's inspired site, it's a good idea to check out the authentic things.
- Everyone's deepest desire is an interactive geologic map of the entire globe where they can go and find their house and see what it's built on. If it isn't, then go and look anyway.
- It's really easy to mod your 3DS.
- Have you ever wanted to learn about the greatest class of arthropods to ever exist in Earth's history? Now you can!
- You have, almost certainly, by now noticed the cat running around the site, which comes from this script, or more specifically this fork that allows you to pet the cat by clicking it.