"Wind back the tape of life to the early days of the Burgess Shale; let it play again from an identical starting point, and the chance becomes vanishingly small that anything like human intelligence would grace the replay." - Stephen Jay Gould
Welcome spelunker #.
Everything can be accessed from the navigation bar on the left, unless you're on a mobile device in which it is above this section. There's also links to my NeoCities profile and the site's guestbook, which you have to sign or else.
To end on a note of utmost importance, you can pet the cat by clicking on it.
- Added 5 new photos to gallery.
- Added 7 new stamps.
- Added some userboxes to the about page.
- Further compressed thumbnails in the gallery, so now it much less choppy while scrolling.
- Added 18 new gallery photos.
- Added 1 new link to websurfing.
- Added GIFs page.
- Updated rock page with 2 new specimens.
- Added Terry, who now speaks the splash text rather than it being in the title.
- Joined the Pik Ring.
- Joined the sillyring.
- Added 2 new gallery photos.
- Added some new blinkies, buttons and stamps.
- Fixed gallery because I completely forgot it wasn't January anymore.
- Added new links in websurfing.
- Updated rock page with 4 new specimens.
- Added 1 new gallery photo.
- Added some new buttons.
- Fixed the fact I accidentally banished the cat to the nether realm with the file restructure last night.
- Added some new splash text.
- Added a self destruct button, because every site needs one.
- Modal images can now be clicked again to open in another tab.
- Added self-hosted visitor counter utilising the NeoCities API.
- Joined the null webring.
- Joined the retronaut webring.
- Tweaked homepage layout to put webrings on new right bar.
- Added new splash text.
- Completely restructured backend file organisation.
- If you had hotlinked something off my site before this then lol get stuffed.
- Site uploaded.
If recent updates appear to be missing from the site, hard refresh your browser with Ctrl/Command+Shift+R.
To Do
- Clean up comments.
- Acquire scales, then weigh specimens for rock page.
- Comb over CSS and check for unit consistency.